Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Today is the birthday of one of my most favorite people in the entire world! Randi Skye Singleton, also known as Singleton, Singlebutton, Indiana, and Sister Liddiard. She holds a special place in my heart, along with Robyn Johnson, as one of the two that "killed me" at the end of my mission. Both of them had to put up with a lot from me during my last transfer. I was a mess (and not the southern definition of a mess, which is actually a good thing to be) about going home, and they are what kept me sane. She taught me the importance of working hard and yet still having the most fun that you possibly can. We worked so hard and had the best time of our lives that transfer.
We were great friends on the mission, but since coming home I can honestly say that she has become one of my dearest friends. She is a true friend if ever there was one. I can never have a bad day when I am around her and am SO thankful that God put us together as companions and eternal friends. 

And now....since she is likely going crazy that I have given her her very own birthday post, I will finish it off with some great pictures for her enjoyment. haha!

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